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About Us

william ferrara

Meet William A. Ferrara, a distinguished leader with an impressive career in U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).


Throughout his journey, Mr. Ferrara has held various key positions, showcasing his commitment to national security, lawful travel, and trade facilitation.

As the Executive Assistant Commissioner for CBP's Office of Field Operations (OFO), Mr. Ferrara lead a workforce of over 33,000 employees, which included more than 28,000 CBP Officers and CBP Agriculture Specialists. He expertly managed an annual budget of $7.2 billion dedicated to the smooth functioning of CBP's ports of entry and several critical programs.

Furthermore, in his role as the Executive Assistant Commissioner for Operations Support, Mr. Ferrara provided exceptional leadership across six subcomponents, each with distinct capabilities crucial for supporting CBP operations and mission execution. These subcomponents included the Office of Intelligence, Information and Incident Coordination Center, Laboratories and Scientific Services, Law Enforcement Safety and Compliance, Office of International Affairs, and Planning, Analysis, and Requirements Evaluation Directorate.

His dedication to international collaboration was evident as he served as the Acting Attaché to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In this capacity, Mr. Ferrara engaged with senior policymakers, offering valuable insights and expertise to support DHS goals and navigate the complexities surrounding the U.K.'s exit from the European Union (BREXIT).

Before his impressive roles in Washington, D.C., Mr. Ferrara served as the Director of Field Operations (DFO) for both the Boston and Chicago Field Offices. During his tenure in Boston, he directed CBP operations for the New England six-state region, overseeing the activities of 1,100 employees and managing the arrival of millions of international travelers and billions of dollars in imported goods. In Chicago, he exhibited remarkable leadership, overseeing operations throughout most of the Midwest and managing various ports of entry and facilities in 12 states.

Mr. Ferrara's journey began in 1989 when he joined the U.S. Customs Service as a Customs Inspector stationed at the Calexico Port of Entry on the southwest border. His career has been enriched by a wealth of experience, which he further developed through his education, including an Associate of Arts degree in Business from the Community College of Rhode Island and completing the CBP Leadership Institute program at the esteemed University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

William A. Ferrara's remarkable track record and diverse expertise have undoubtedly made a lasting impact on U.S. Customs and Border Protection, leaving a legacy of excellence and dedication to national security and effective border operations.

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